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Volunteer Today!

Want to learn more about how you can give back to your community? You can use our Contact Form or call us during normal business hours. 843-669-4196.


We would love to tell you all about our department and how to become a firefighter. 

If you found us because of our billboard, we would love to hear your feedback! Scroll down for our comment section, use our Contact Form, or like us on Facebook.

Want to be a part of something bigger than yourself?

If you have ever considered volunteering, now is the time! Joining us is a great way to help your community, meet new friends, and do things you may have never imagined were possible. We have a great group of men and women that constantly rise to meet the challenge of being a firefighter. They train hard and work hard, but also have fun. Contact us today to start the process of becoming a part of something that is bigger than yourself.


awesome video Above

you should check it out!

Check out these resources you can benefit from to keep you and your family Fire Safe! If you have any questions please use our Contact Form or call us at 843-669-4196 and we will be glad to help!



Ask us about

reflective road signs too!



road signs

Click HERE to ask us

how to receive a free

smoke alarm!



Click HERE to ask us about deaf/hard

of hearing smoke alarms!

smoke alarms

Click here to listen to our online radio.

shout outs

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