We are super excited to have a new website (even if it is a work in progress)! Thank you for your interest in our passion and we hope that our new site helps you find the information you are looking for. We want this site to be an informative bragging board for our membership and all of their hard work and dedication to Howe Springs and the citizens we serve. If you want to join us as a volunteer there is no better time than now! Head on over to our contact form to get more information on the process of becoming a part of something bigger than yourself.
Be sure to check out our media page to see the latest videos and pictures of what we do on a daily basis. We don't fight fire all day every day, and posting pictures is a great way to show off just how our members are so well rounded. We take our passion seriously, but we also love to have a good time and laugh at ourselves when we can.
To get an idea of how many stations and apparatus (fancy word for fire truck) we have click on our station pages. There we are still building all the information we can about the location, coverage area, and apparatus that are housed in that station. We have everything from our new headquarters station to sub stations on industry property to help us get to you faster.
Even though social media is king when trying to connect with an audience, we want to have a dedicated space for you to get to know us better. So we thank you for visiting our website and hope you come back often to keep up with us.